After headlining his own feature film, a show on NBC, and appearing in The CW’s Arrowverse and a series of films produced by Warner Bros. Animation, a new version of DC Comics’ John Constantine is now heading to HBO Max. Citing unnamed sources, both Deadline and
Variety are reporting that J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot is developing a Constantine series with WarnerMedia for the streaming service.
The new series would not be connected to The CW’s Arrowverse shows and the eponymous hero will not be reprised by Matt Ryan . or Keanu Reeves, for that matter. Instead, this show will focus on a younger version of the trenchcoated paranormal investigator and exorcist and be played by a non-white actor (who has yet to be cast). Fledgling writer Guy Bolton has penned the pilot and plans to set up the writers’ room next month, according to Deadline. Representatives from HBO Max declined to confirm or comment on the media reports.
Earlier this month, the DC Comics Multiverse got a major shake-up as the epic conclusion of
Dark Nights: Death Metal created a scenario full of new creative possiblities. Because of the aftermath of that event, numerous potential futures are now playing out in the pages of DC Comics in a two-month initiative known as
Future State, allowing some of DC s top talent to explore dozens of stories that cover everything from the later days of the current Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman to the adventures of their successors.
This week, one of the biggest titles in the
Future State line