The Morning Context has a detailed report out today on problems with the Electronic Media Monitoring Centre. The report says it has now taken to less monitoring of standards, far more meeting political ends and trying to ensure PM and the BJP government look good.
How do anchors get away with such open murder of journalism? Is there nobody to stop them from appearing evening after evening in TV studios to sell their products of hate made from the ashes of truth?
Hearing Union I&B minister Anurag Thakur admonish news channels for 'inviting guests who are polarising, who spread false narratives and who shout at the top of their lungs,' was ironic, because the current regime had discreetly signalled ‘friendly’ media to spread toxicity.
In clearly enunciating the relation between hate speech and profits, the honourable court has revealed the very heart of the systemic arrangements that now characterise the state and its predilections.