On June 12 the Ojai Federation of Teachers by a near unanimous vote ratified an agreement reached between the negotiating teams of the teacher’s union and the Ojai Unified School
On June 12 the Ojai Federation of Teachers by a near unanimous vote ratified an agreement reached between the negotiating teams of the teacher’s union and the Ojai Unified School
A troupe of five people and two mules hauled supplies into Matilija Canyon on Jan. 13 after the roadway became completely impassable due to debris and slides from Matilija Creek’s
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Wilma Areta Coke
Centenarian Wilma Areta Coke is being remembered in a memorial service today, March 13, which started at 10:30 a.m. outside the Ojai United Methodist Church (120 Church Road), and there wil be a Zoom memorial for her at the same time.
Meeting ID: 830 2677 8744
Passcode: 148470
The beloved retired school bus driver was feted with a parade, including school buses, outside her home to celebrate her 100th birthday on Feb. 21.
She was born Feb. 5, 1921, and passed peacefully at home in Ojai just 16 days after her surprise parade.