El retorno a clases de alumnos que habían dejado de estudiar el año pasado debido a la pandemia impulsó los resultados de la operación peruana de Laureate Education.
wa s the junior high school across the street really that bad? [ gunshots ] much like rock & roll school shootings were also invented by blacks and stolen by the white man. and of course in 2006 upn merged with the wb to become what we now know as the cw. the cw just decides not to do sitcoms anymore. and that cuts out all black programming. it s something fox did earlier. you start your network based on black sitcoms. and then when you get enough viewers you make the pivot to the, quote unquote, more mainstream white audiences, which of course also gets you better advertisers. you have this major erasure of people of color. except for, you know, side characters. when you are erased from the media, when you turn on the television and there are 100 channels, thousands of shows to stream and none of them
invented by blacks and stolen by the white man. of course, in 2006, upn merged with the wb to become what we know as the cw. the cw, it just decides not to do sitcoms anymore and that cuts black programming. it s something fox did earlier. you start your network based on black sitcoms and then when you get enough viewers, you make the pivot to the quote unquote more main stream white audiences, which of course, also gets you better advertisers. you have this major people of color except for side characters. when you are erased from the media, when you turn on the television and there are 100 channels, thousands of shows to stream and none of them represent you, you start to think you don t matter. hello my beautiful indian
fox network had come on and done well with black sitcoms so the wb and upn at the time were coming on, and they started to diversify and grow that audience. they are able to snatch up this audience that the other networks were really ignoring up until that point. so these shows kind of set the stage for the diversity in the family sitcom that can be seen on television today. welcome, wongs, i m rick. the length and depth of my bow expresses my deep appreciation. that s more of a japanese thing, but thank you, rick. ce? i don t know. (laughs) breyers. 100% grade a milk and cream, and loaded with delicious cookie pieces. better starts with breyers. is your cleanser doing enough for your sensitive skin? cetaphil gentle skin cleanser defends against
in black-centered shows at that time and what happened in the intervening years? it s very interesting because both with fox and then again with upn, what happens is looking for audiences. these upstart networks found that black television watchers were very loyal to content they felt spoke to them. so they used that with shows like girlfriends and we re talking about the fresh prince and martin and rock and what then does happen is once they build that audience they then move to the quote/unquote more mainstream white-facing sitcoms that allow them to then sort of scale themselves to a whole host of new advertisers. and it s a sad story that s happened over and over again. the death of the black television renaissance could be pretty much tracked to the merger of upn turning into the cw. that s really interesting. so over time, you saw more and more black characters in sitcoms on tv like we were just talking