The Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (APCID), which is probing the AP State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) ‘scam’ have arrested two persons in connection with the Skill Development scam which took place during Chanradrababu Naidu led TDP rule.The arrested persons are CA VipinKumar Sharma and his wife Neelam Sharma. They were taken to Vijayawada on a
IT and Industries Minister Gudivada Amarnath has slammed Opposition Leader Chandrababu Naidu over misleading propaganda on rescue operations made by the government during the recent Godavari floods. Addressing the media here on Saturday, the minister said that Chandrababu had done nothing for the Hud-Hud victims, except hyped publicity and empty promises and flayed him for
Lulu Mall controversy: Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Rajesh Kumar Srivastav said: Mohammad Adil, a resident of Chaupatiya in Lucknow, was arrested.