into a church ich is a more populated area, and pullepd into a church parking lot and looked up in the southernwh sky, which wasis the direction e se were seeing these while driving. hile dri andand the only thing the sky at that point was a bluish purple huou up ine up n the sky. and i thought that was odd. and wanted to capture something on video. my thought was to send it to a local meteorologist and show him exactly what we werearte seeing. so i took out my phone, sed t it to video mode and just startednn recording and nothing wass happening. and of course, happ i thought, well,ab this is great. you know, we re not going to be able to capture whatever we were seeing on film. tim and within a ten second period of time, there was a white light that had illuminated in b the middle of this blue huehuy t that was in the sky. and it just sat there for about ten seconds and then it shot forward, but shot out intor three different directions. eealso reminded me of what you would see, you