The BJP has won two parliamentary seats in Uttar Pradesh, both strongholds of the Samajwadi Party. Azamgarh and Rampur seats were vacated by Akhilesh Yadav and Azam Khan following their election to the state Assembly.
Voting at a polling station has been suspended for one hour after supporters of two female member candidates – from reserved seats – clashed outside the centre in Banshkhali's Saral union.
Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Lucknow, UP, UP news, Lucknow news, up election, up election 2022, After big UP win, new headache for BJP - Finalising names for team Yogi & his deputies,
DNA Special: What is the reason behind Yogi Adityanath s rising stature in BJP? - Like PM Modi, CM Yogi can also never be accused that he is in politics for his family and personal interest.