Contesting his first-ever Assembly election, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath won by a margin of 1,03,390 from Gorakhpur Urban constituency. He defeated Samajwadi Party candidate Subhawati Upendra Dutt Shukla.
The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had won or was leading in 255 of the 403 seats in Uttar Pradesh, which it currently rules, according to the Election Commission of India, , UP assembly elections 2022, narendra modi, Yogi Adityanath
Assembly Elections 2022: Nearly 8 lakh voters across five states chose NOTA option - The NOTA option on electronic voting machines, introduced in 2013, has its own symbol a ballot paper with a black cross across it.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who won a record second term today in India's most politically important state, celebrated his big triumph with holi colours and sweets at the BJP's office in Lucknow.