Until Republicans stop the madness, support must go only to candidates who renounce the Big Lie, xenophobia, voter suppression and violent insurrection.
George Skelton
California Republicans have a golden opportunity to strengthen their weakened status during the recall campaign even if they fail to boot Gov. Gavin Newsom.
But a win-lose scenario isn t a sure thing. It could easily turn into a lose-lose outcome, depending on how Republicans play it.
It s highly unlikely to wind up a win-win for the GOP.
The odds on Newsom surviving seem astronomical.
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He s much more popular than Gov. Gray Davis was when he was recalled in 2003. No Republican candidate has nearly the voter appeal that actor Arnold Schwarzenegger did when he ousted Democrat Davis. California is a much more Democratic state today than 18 years ago. And the incumbent will have a huge fundraising advantage.