University Communication and Marketing (UCAM) annually compiles a Year-in-Review highlighting both its general and research news and feature stories across campus during the course of the calendar year. In this Research Year-in-Review, The University of.
Two University of New Mexico School of Engineering professors are part of one of the eight Microelectronics Commons innovation hubs recently announced by the Department of Defense as part of President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act. "Creating Helpful.
A researcher based in The University of New Mexico School of Engineering is leading one of 15 projects across the country receiving $11 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. These projects, announced Aug. 10, are focused on exploratory.
Two students in The University of New Mexico School of Engineering have received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) awards in environmental engineering. Carl Abadam and Christine Gleicher, both students of Anjali.
Faculty from The University of New Mexico School of Engineering are leading a new National Science Foundation-funded project in collaboration with Arizona State University that will focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in STEM higher.