gints obviously because it sit ableist term that a whole section for ableisthey havm. right. and of course intelligence should be able asrm. it doesn t allow people who don t have thinking brains to be able to join in. and clearly people that createde this list do not have thinking brains and what people should be thinking whenthis they see things like this is thateg college campuses have become a criminal enterprise. kids are taking out hundreds and thousands of dollars inheseu loans to attend these universities, to be told told can ty that they can ni speak about everything that they do is wrong. i m not sure what benefit is for parents to send their children to university ildren t back .ey come they don t even know anything cm about their own genders. they come back dumber than when you sende dumber them. right, because they they seezzwd everything as a buzzword, everything as a trigger. tand in the end, they end upbes as nonproductive human beings in society. that also have hundred