[inaudible conversations] welcome to the concluding day of the symposium on the future of Public Research universities. Before i introduce the panel, just remind you all as you may see, we are being filmed for cspan. When we get to the q a portion today, it is important to use the microphone and he will do better than i will. I should turn it up. Thank you for your interest. I would like to introduce the topic that we will focus on this morning. Then i will turn it over to a discussion with our panelists and get you involved. We are talking right now about Research Scholarships and the arts. At the public universities. In essence, what we are talking about, it is the faculty. The faculty and who they are, as well as the teacher faculty, including the graduate students. I would argue that we are in a time of huge challenge in the ability of public universities to recruit the best and retain the best and to sustain the kind of conditions that create outstanding scholarships, as well as t
The gentlemen. Gentleman. I have some questions about iran and nuclear policy. In the last press conference by president obama a something in this press conference which i thought was different from the past. All along in recent months he has been talking about a nuclear bomb or nuclear weapon, specifically mentioning that a something iran cannot get. In a press conference, he went beyond that and said nuclear capability. I wonder if this is the same position, or is this something new, changing course . The second thing is for the entire panel, ellen laipson, too. The red lines, basically encouraged by the israelis, those have been gone for some time. Now there is something emerging, and that is the year 2013. I see that as a new version of the deadline. Would you say significantly year everything should be settled with iran or we go to the next option . What you think of the casual use of the year as a deadline . Ok, thank you. I think all of these different shades of gray from total
Entitlements. So many of the business leaders, if you do not want to go over the fiscal cliff . Fiscal cliff, they want it to be a stage set for tax reform. Thank you for being on newsmakers. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2012] watched mary kay henry, the Service Employees and National Union president today again at 6 00 p. M. On youcspan. General, what if the soviets soviet Union Announced tomorrow that if we attack cuba there will be nuclear war . That is a serious thing. Were going to be uneasy. Something may make these people shoot it off. I would want to keep my own people very alert. [laughter] it is a fascinating moment. It is amazing that eisenhower tells him to have his people alert, because everyone is completely on edge. Kennedy last, and then he says, hang on tight, which is a nice moment that even on this terribly tense day, theyre able to joke a little bit with each other. Especially during this
These are some of the qualities the next Minister of Education should have. He must be a person who believes in Nigeria and not those who believe that Nigeria does not exist and he and his family must go abroad. You have headache you go abroad, a President had toothache and he ran abroad for treatment.