Companies as a Public Service and brought you today, your television provider. Up next, the Manhattan Project is a subject of a lecture by George Mason University history professor Martin Sherman is the author of a world destroyed, harris she met and its like a cease and a coauthor of a pulitzer winner, mr. Sherman details the development of the atomic bomb, beginning with the discovery efficient in 1938 through the use of atomic bombs in cities like kawasaki and hershey. The event was hosted in washington d. C. It is just under two hours. Our speaker tonight is martin sure. When hes the professor at the history at martin mason. Hes also the author of a world destroyed, the atomic bomb and the world, alliance which won the historic foreign relations, as well as the american book prize. It was a 1975 finalist for it is subtitled hiroshima and its legacies. Hes held appointments at the cardoza fund, visiting as this thing professor at American History at Yale University and as the burnet