The U.S.-Japan alliance remains crucial, but it is underperformingand weaker than generally perceived. A failure by America's leadersto understand, appreciate, and take necessary transformativemeasures raises the risk of crises in Asia and around the world.There are issues that could easily lead to a stagnant allianceunable to adapt to a rapidly changing Asian security environment.
China has potential to become a valuable, cooperative, constructivemember of the Asia-Pacific economic community; but it could alsobecome the opposite-a fearsome, aggressive, and militaristic power.How Beijing addresses its differences with Taiwan will be thebellwether of China's future role in Asia.
Humanitarian aid alone will not lead the Taliban to respect thepeople of Afghanistan or to allow the freedoms necessary forlong-term recovery. In the long run, overthrowing the Talibanregime and replacing it with a government that respects economicand political freedom is the most important humanitarian aid thatthe United States, its allies, and the international community canprovide for the Afghan people.
Humanitarian aid alone will not lead the Taliban to respect thepeople of Afghanistan or to allow the freedoms necessary forlong-term recovery. In the long run, overthrowing the Talibanregime and replacing it with a government that respects economicand political freedom is the most important humanitarian aid thatthe United States, its allies, and the international community canprovide for the Afghan people.