Speaking at Westminster College in his speeches one hour. As the proud army guy is gratitude introduce our general perkins. And to be irresponsible every u. S. Are me soldier and as a graduate of the u. S. Military academy of west point general perkins has sold numerous leadership positions. Special assistant to speaker of the house, Battalion Commander leading over 1,000 personnel in macedonia, Brigade Commander leading over 3,000 over the invasion of iraq 2003, executive assistant to the vicechairman of the joint chief of staff meeting over 10,000 personnel with the transition of forces in 2010 from iraq. From 11 through 2014 general perkins commanded u. S. Army education at fort leavenworth. Trade development and support developing u. S. Army doctrine all of which that provides those elements to the u. S. Army and to hold a masters degree in with the strategic studies and the Naval War College please join me to give a round of applause and a warm welcome to general perkins. [applaus