The Centre has given the go-ahead to the CBI to prosecute Amnesty International India and its former chief Aakar Patel for alleged violations of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), paving way for a special court to take cognisance of its charge sheet filed on December 31, 2021, officials said on Tuesday. The CBI had sought the sanction of the government to prosecute the international human rights organisation because of the mandatory clause of Section 40 of the FCRA. Section 40 bars
The Centre has given the go-ahead to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to prosecute Amnesty International India and its former chief Aakar Patel for alleged violations of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
CBI has claimed that the charge sheet in this case is the basis for its lookout circular against Patel, citing which he was stopped from leaving Bengaluru Airport last week.