The merger process of two state-owned service providers, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL), has started with BSNL taking over the latter s network in Mumbai and Delhi.
BSNL will start offering landline services in Mumbai and National Capital Region (NCR) from March this year. Initially, it was supposed to begin offering landline services in these two cities from January 1, but internal issues delayed this.
BSNL provides connectivity services across the country except for Delhi and Mumbai, which were served by MTNL. Post merger, BSNL will run MTNL s mobile and landline service as its outsourced agency.
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The Department of Space recently released a draft Spacecom
Policy 2020, along with the draft Norms, Guidelines and Procedures
for the implementation of the Spacecom Policy, also known as Spacecom NGP 2020. This blogpost highlights our comments
to these draft policy documents, highlighting some unaddressed
areas. We have submitted these comments to the Department of
India had released its first Satcom Policy in 1997.
1 However, since the 1997 policy was a
high level document which did not provide as many details, a set of norms, procedures and guidelines was notified in 2000 to