We started early evening and this selfie was taken post 11 pm. At this hour all are enthusiastically discussing making India the most powerful startup nation in the world, Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma said.
you re going to keep a lookout for that. we re going to let you know. really excited to share this. jesse: they might have every single watters world package on there. once we clean those up. greg: i am wondering if 20 years of stuff is a good idea. we had a lot of high points but sometimes we don t want to remember certain things. kimberly: we will add to that. greg: i didn t say that. that was somebody else. i did a great interview with the great writer robert wright. it is called blogging heads tv. he s a great writer. we talk about tribalism, division and meditation and other things. check it out. more important. let s go to greg s unicorn news. i don t know what to make of this because sometimes i m getting a little tired of