Americas elections. I will now recognize myself when Opening Statement. Yesterday the director of National Intelligence testified that, quote, the greatest challenge we have as a nation is making sure to maintain the integrity of our election system come close quote. Excuse me. I agree. Our democracy was founded on a government elected by the people, for the people and free and fair elections. They are elections very core of our democracy under a aa tactic special counsel most report in no Uncertain Terms detailed how reform government attack on her 2016 elections. The russian objectives were clear, deep in distress and discord in a society come secure the election of one candidate of president over the other, and in so doing undermined confidence in the integrity of our elections and damaged our nations standing in the world. There is no evidence russian affected the actual vote count of our elections but russia did successfully steal thousands of documents from american citizens that
The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Correa mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3691. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 158, h. R. 3691, a bill to require the t. S. A. To develop a plan to ensure that t. S. A. Material disseminated in major airports can be better understood by more people accessing such airports, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Correa, and the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Green, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Correa. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks include extraneous material on this measure. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield
Problem with multiemployer pensions, which needs to be addressed. However, this bill, i believe, will actually set us back. It does nothing to address the underlying structural issues of these plans. It actually does nothing to protect younger workers who will be asked to keep paying into a system which remains troubled. And it saddles taxpayers with liabilities which are unlikely to be paid back at a massive cost to taxpayers. Let me provide just one alarming example of how flawed this proposal is, which i also highlighted in our committee markup. Under this legislation, if a pension plan applies for a loan and the newly administration cannot make a determination on that plans ability to repay in order to approve or deny the loan within 90 days, the loan would be automatically deemed approved. Taxpayers deserve timely responses from treasury, but no Reputable Institution would rubber stamp loans like this. Pensioners and taxpayers both deserve better. Lets Work Together to deliver a r
School safety against targeted violence. I want to welcome everybody to the hearing room. I actually want to thankour witnesses for taking the time for your testimony. And in particular i want to give a shout out to max and tom and your families and the other families of the families for attending here and for just your unbelievable dedication turning your tragedy into hopefully some positive action that can prevent tragedies for other families, its remarkable what so many of the families have done in reaction to so many of these tragedies which date back to about 1998 is where we had the first directed attack, numbers of 56. I know in your testimony youre talkingabout 710 shootings since columbine in 1999. Columbine, 13 people were killed, 12 students, one teacher, 21injured, sandy hook in 2012, 26 killed. Two were injured and parkland, at Marjorie Stoneman douglas school, 17 killed and 17 injured. Anthe death and casualty toll is simply unbelievable, quite honestly. I grew up in the
On the issue. Other witnesses include the sheriff of Dallas County florida was also the chair of the marjorie was actual Public Safety commission. From yesterdays, this is two hours. Morning, i want to call this hearing order. The title of this hearing is examining state and federal regulations for an against violence. I want to welcome everybody to the hearing room. I should surely want to thank our witnesses for taking the time for your testimony. And in particular i want to give a shout out to max and tom and their families and the other families of the tragedies or attending here and for just your unbelievable dedication, turning your tragedy into hopefully some positive action that temperament tragedy or other families, its just remarkable what so many of the families have done in reaction to so many of these tragedies which really back to 1998 is where we really had, so the first elected. Members of 56, i know in your testimony, if youre talking about 710 shootings at columbine i