About 100 farm workers from the Wasco Wonderful Nurseries Facility staged a walkout to protest their claims of misrepresentation by the United Farmworkers.
On Jan. 4, the union filed a formal complaint against SFUSD and Superintendent Matt Wayne, the first step in the union’s ongoing work in building a legal case against SFUSD
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As the 2021 construction season gets underway, and with an increasing number of construction projects being completed with a mix of union and non-union subcontractors, many workers have legitimate questions about their rights and responsibilities on such mixed-staffed projects. These questions especially can arise when a “dual-gate” system has been established (creating a “neutral” gate for union contractors and a separate, “reserved” gate for non-union contractors), or when a union is involved in different types of activities at the jobsite, such as picketing, bannering (erecting stationary signage or using the inflatable rat), or hand-billing (handing out flyers to the public).