While Airtel and Vi offer prepaid plans priced at Rs 449 and Rs 409 that give 2.5GB daily data, Jio recently introduced an annual plan priced at Rs 2999 that also gives 2.5GB daily data.
While Airtel and Vi offer prepaid plans priced at Rs 449 and Rs 409 that give 2.5GB daily data, Jio recently introduced an annual plan priced at Rs 2999 that also gives 2.5GB daily data.
BSNL’s Rs 499 prepaid plan BSNL offers a special tariff voucher at Rs 499 that gives 90 days validity. It offers 2GB of daily data and gives 100 SMS per day.
BSNL’s Rs 499 prepaid plan BSNL offers a special tariff voucher at Rs 499 that gives 90 days validity. It offers 2GB of daily data and gives 100 SMS per day.
Airtel, Jio and Vi recently revised their prepaid tariffs. The plans do not come with daily data but offer generous amounts of validity. Users who do not wish to get annual plans but are not looking for short term plans either can opt for these plans