City went ahead with single use-plastics ban as planned, now it needs to apply the lessons learned to help make a success of the pay-as-you-throw charging scheme.
BUSHNELL ON BOOKS: ‘Wild! Weird! Wonderful! Maine’ and ‘The Maine Point’
A collection of historical Maine tidbits and a historical romance sequel spanning centuries of Bath history and multi-family relationships
By Bill Bushnell
At least 10 other authors have written Maine trivia books over recent years, focusing on Maine history, people, places, events, curiosities, strange happenings, wonders, legends and some hilarious and goofy anecdotes. And now Bar Harbor author Earl Brechlin has come out with his own collection of historical tidbits.
Brechlin joins the good company of authors like John McDonald, John Cole, Michelle Souliere, Gail Parker and Neil Rolde, adding his own spin to obscure Maine history in this very readable and entertaining addition to Maine trivia historiography.