New Ulm Police • Received a two-vehicle crash report without reported injuries at 4:49 p.m. Sept. 14. Fredrick W. Lenz, 89, St. James, was driving a 2012 Do
NEW ULM Ten years ago, Pastor Lonny Carpenter and his wife Angie Carpenter came to pioneer a new church. This Sunday the church will celebrate its 10th anni
NEW ULM – Tuesday was the first day back in most New Ulm students. On Monday, the New Ulm Public Schools 5th and 9th graders returned to school and this Tues
By Travis Rosenau Journal Sports Editor NEW ULM Gymnasts of all ages twisted and turned out for the 56th Turnfest on Thursday morning in the Women’s 30
NEW ULM The 56th Turner Fest is officially off and running with members Turner Societies across the nation competing in events through the rest of the week.