India on Friday urged the avoidance of unilateral actions to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait amid the rising military tensions between China and Taiw
The High Court of Namibia has ruled that the Canadian company Reconnaissance Africa and its local partner, National Petroleum Corp. of Namibia , may proceed with exploration work at PEL 73, a block. | August 8, 2022
MADRID (AFP) – When a United Nations (UN) committee ruled Nahia Alkorta had suffered obstetric violence during the birth of her first child, it was the culmination of a 10-year quest for justice. Alkorta was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after her treatment at a hospital in northern Spain in 2012 and turned to the […]
Natural gas deliveries from Russia to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline were further reduced on Wednesday to 20 per cent of capacity, the pipeline operator