A Delhi court on Wednesday awarded three-year jail term to two directors and another senior official of Himachal EMTA Power Ltd. (HEPL) in a coal scam case of 2009.
The CBI today said that a special court here has convicted Himachal Emta Power Limited (HEPL) and its two then Directors - Ujjal Kumar Upadhaya and Bikash Mukherjee – and then Chief General Manager (CGM) NC Chakraborty in a case related to allocation of Gourangdih ABC Coal Block in Rani Ganj,
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday attached assets worth Rs 26.93 crore of EMTA Coal Ltd, its Directors and their families in connection with a money laundering probe in the coal blocks allocation case.According to sources, assets .
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached immovable and movable assets valued at Rs 26.93 crore belonging to EMTA Coal Ltd and its partners and Directors in a coal block case.