The deceased has been identified as Rakesh Navpariya. He was unmarried and stayed with his parents and elder brother’s family, said police. “The incident came to light when his brother broke open the door of Rakesh's room and found him hanging,” said a police officer.
Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) while accepting a bribe of Rs 35,000 on Thursday. Along with Chaudhary, the ACB also arrested Bhupendra Gamit, a Congress worker and the deputy sarpanch of Patal gram panchayat in Mandvi.
At the ninth edition of the mass wedding organised by BJP MLA Ketan Inamdar's Mahendra Jashbhai Charity Trust, in memory of his late father, the changed dynamics of the party's Vadodara Lok Sabha seat were at play.
The committee will comprise former SC judge Justice Indu Malhotra, Attorney General of India R Venkataramani and former additional chief secretary (Finance) of Gujarat government, M M Srivastava.
The court has sought a personal affidavit from the principal secretary of the urban development and urban housing department with details of the action taken after the inquiry report findings.