i have been a fan of brand for decades ever since his talk show big brothers big mouth it is show that was so outrageous legal wouldn t even let us show it. which sucks but even at the start of his career he was aw brilliant brain in search ofucks food at a time when the shelves were bare but now most abrupt change in any career since o.j. simpson. [laughter] brand was a great comedian, successful actor, bigger than most rock stars it helped that he looked like rases putin had sex with janis joplin and play rock stars in movies because he was better at it than they were and before sober proved no amount of drugs could take himug down so comedian movie star married to hyperarctic and tall and handsome and inspired me to get hair plugs on my chests. and what does he do? h he walks away from it, he walks away from it like hunter biden strolling away from a strippers baby. literally he lets it go. and for what e to dleo a podcast because you know we don t have enough of them.
peoplere in prison no why they e there at least, our legal systems gives them that respect you killed that guy now you havu to stay here he s saying no you stop talking to him so either ho really believes it is not possible for people tosser change their minds. or fo he just wanted to show thad the most liberal points. like he has the most points one his team that i would have cut h them all out of my life. do you shun family memberswh who o aren t attractive?t stop it. that s so messed up greg: i would i don t to beer around ugly familys. members thy bring me down and unhappy. i can t see them in my mind s eye in your brown eye brown eye thank you emily. [laughter] she whispered it. secretly ten years old. [laughter] that was amazing. because i m secretly i m not overtly