UGC Chairman Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar has explained CUET UG Score Normalisation Process. He shares that performance of every candidate in the Common University Entrance Test (CUET)-UG is evaluated using equi-percentile method and the marks reflected in the score card are normalised scores, Education News, Times Now
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The National Testing Agency on Saturday declared the Common University Entrance Test (CUET)-Undergraduate results. CUET UG Result 2023 Out On NTA Declares Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate Courses Results.
CUET UG 2023 Update: Common University Entrance Test result will be out on July 17, answer key was released on 29 June, scroll down to check the expected cut off, steps to download result.
Universities and industries will now be able to form Research and Development (R and D) clusters collaboratively at state and Central level to address the technological needs of the region, according to UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar.