The Delhi High Court has recently restrained various entities from infringing the personality and publicity rights of Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff. Justice Sanjeev Narula passed an interim injunction.
The Delhi High Court has refused to pass an interim injunction order in favour of “Lotus Herbals” in its trademark infringement suit against Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone s self-care brand 82E s.
The Delhi High Court has refused to prohibit Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone s company from using the mark Lotus Splash for a facewash/ face cleanser product while dismissing the interim injunction plea moved by a company, Lotus Herbal Private Limited. | Latest News Delhi
Artist Nivedita Joshi has filed a copyright infringement suit before Delhi High Court against the music composer and producer of film “Life is Good” which was released in 2022, alleging that the.
The Delhi High Court has directed insurance company Acko General Insurance to take down its social media posts using a mural titled “Humanity” in a copyright infringement suit filed by St+art India,.