The Lok Sabha passed a long awaited bill to regulate and supervise assisted reproductive technology (ART) clinics on Wednesday. However, the MPs flagged the exclusion of single parents and the LGBTQ community from using this procedure.
New Delhi, December 1 (PTI): Lok Sabha on Wednesday passed a bill to regulate and supervise assisted reproductive technology clinics, with various members urging the government not to exclude single parents and the LGBTQ community from using this procedur
The Centre on Wednesday moved the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Bill in the Lok Sabha seeking to regulate in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics that mushroomed all over the country while creating benchmark standards for the methods and practices followed in fertility clinics.
Lok Sabha on Wednesday passed a bill to regulate and supervise assisted reproductive technology clinics, with various members urging the government not to exclude single parents and the LGBTQ community from using this procedure.