speeds up to 85 miles per hour a and life threateninghreateni storm surges expected up to seven feet. we are monitorin g the track off the storm. and we ll take you ot governor de santos as soon as he startsgovern speaking. but we want to switch gears right now. there s a disturbing trend oswif law enforcement coming under attack. outrage sweeping the nation followinenforcemeng the murder r first responder in new york city. twenty four year fdny veteran lieutenant ellis russo elingsons was walking in uniform lessg inu than a block from her station. nihouse when she was stabbed ovr 20 times in a quote, barbaric and completely unprovoked attack. the suspecrbaric a t was taken into custody after barricaded himself inside a nearby buildinging. d wi he is charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon. nypd commissioner kitchen condemning the senselesss attack attack. this deadly, senseless, broad daylight attack on a uniformed emt member is a direct assault on our soci
he understands crime better than most democrats. gu and then i looked into the crime situation here. now you basically have two typeo types of criminals. you have your traditional criminal that goes out and preys on people and then nal pris you have your dangerously mentally ill person. and i found out that in nineteen fifty we had a halfad a million people institutionalized in how many we have now.o e thirty seven thousand. what the happened.it it looks like in the civill rights movement will be granted all these rights to the peopleri that didn t have rights atgh the time. blacks, women workerts ae timess the environment got more rights, people with disabilities, they said, hey,ers, let s bring the mentaly ill along to and let s all the give them all the rights rightcr . and there s a phrase for that. it s called the term dying with one s rights. with one s which means you can be mentally ill, but you couldbe m be dyingg on the street. you ca on have all your rights, but, hey, you re