car insurance rates on the rise, who could have to pay the biggest increase. his attempt to impeach maryland s attorney general failed. delegate don dwyer joins us live in studio to tell us what is next. and there s something for everyone at the box office. the new movies hitting the silver spring this weekend. good morning. it s good friday, april 2nd. i m patrice harris. it is friday and that means it s your turn to talk with us on our facebook page about anything you want. let us know what is on your mind your response could air in our facebook feedback segment and hopefully it will be a lot of good things because we re headed into such a nice beautiful weekend. we want to help you start that weekend off. the first fox 45 fans to post the code word on our facebook wall win a great prize. all you have to do is go to to become a fan and join in on our conversation and all i want to talk about today is 80-degree temperatures, sunshine, and m