Minced Garlic is good, actually.
By Jessica MasonJan 25th, 2021, 4:01 pm
Of all the things I expected to see getting called out
and celebrated on Twitter yesterday, minced garlic in a jar was not one of them. But a since-deleted viral tweet started a conversation on packaged and/or cheaper food that brought up ableism, classism, and what it really means to be a “good cook.”
The kerfuffle started, as many of these things do, with a tweet that seemed designed to offend some people and give others a boost of self-righteous smugness. The author (who has now locked their account following the blowback) tweeted a picture of four ingredients: a jar of minced garlic, iodized salt, powdered parmesan cheese, and a bottle of lemon juice, with the caption “The four horsemen of being a shitty cook,” and the response was immediate.