THE last home to be constructed under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s permanent housing construction program is owned by Joaquina Agulto and is located in Chalan Kanoa.
Want to OWN a quiet, peaceful place to go for a week this summer (and every other summer in the future)? A place where you can cook up and eat HUGE lobsters and enjoy all the beauty of Maine and Acadi |
- no, no, no way. - no, i do, i ve got - who who bit you? - that s a cigarette. that s a bite mark. - what s that? - awesome. - that s a bruise. - what s that? - there s a timeline here, people. - the last i was gonna get. - let s work it out. [laughter] i feel so complete. and i-i was gonna wear that today, but i - oh, my goodness. - hey, guys. - hi. hey, a little - that guy was wearing a tutu. so i guess it could be worse this morning. i mean, i could be. [laughter] - wow, what s that? ooh. - bloody mary. - yeah. - apparently we took some casualties atlast night s house party. but for every throbbing skull, every unremembered blunt force trauma, there is a cure: a bloody mary, a mimosa, or both, should you prefer. pinewood social. our friend josh s place, where natural allies, alcohol, hangovers, and bowling coexist peacefully in an atmosphere of mutual respect. also food. - tony, how many times do you eat a day? [laughter] no, because when i watch that show, i think about it.