it s a great way to track your kids spending, isn t it? it is a great way to track spending. but there are other technologies that allow you to do that, too, just with regular on-line banking web sites. you can track spending anyway. so this is taking it a step further. and i think it s a step that people really need to think about, not only is it a privacy issue but it may encourage you to spend more than you really want to spend. and that s something to be aware of as well. gregg: these less transparent methods of paying for things kind of turn greenbacks into monopoly money if you re doing it electronically, right? absolutely. and i think it it encourages people because there isn t the psychology of handing physical money over to pay for something that is going to lead to more spending if you re not careful because it s just too easy to just swipe that swipe that smartphone across the threshold so i think it s important for