The Trinamool Congress has asked the West Bengal General Secretary and spokesperson Kunal Ghosh not to speak to the media about Partha Chatterjee for 14 days.
Soon after Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb resigned from his post on Saturday, Trinamool Congress spokesperson Kunal Ghosh claimed that Biplab Deb s resignation is the result of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) s internal conflict.
By Irene Escudero Bogota, Apr 26 (EFE).- While immersing himself in the military triumphs and failures of Col. Aureliano Buendia in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” Andres Giovanny Trujillo’s mind temporarily drifts from his unpleasant reality – the vital need to be hooked up to a hemodialysis machine four hours a day, …
New Delhi [India], April 25 (ANI/TPT): Under the vision of Saayan Kunal, the Director of Gyan Niketan School has initiated a fully digitalized admission process.