Bucking the trend, the BJP on Friday returned to power in Uttarakhand for a consecutive second term albeit with lesser number of seats than 2017 and its Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami losing the electoral battle even as it thrashed Congress’ hopes for a revival in the hill state where its mascot Harish Rawat also bit the dust. BJP won 43 seats and is leading in 4 (against 56 won
The BJP doesn’t bring good political performance alone, it also brings with it a good political philosophy. In the 75th year of independence, the BJP has set the ball rolling for the nation to reinvent itself.
The stage is set for counting of votes on Thursday that will start at 8 am in five states, sealing a month-long polling session that began on February 10. The contest, which was primarily between BJP and Congress in several regions is now multi-cornered with AAP and TMC's entry. The crucial test for the BJP will be in Uttar Pradesh where it hopes to retain power against
With incumbent Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami losing the election despite his party returning to power, all eyes have now turned to Uttarakhand on the question of who will helm the government in the hill state. Despite losing the battle, the BJP leadership may consider retaining him as chief minister amid reports that he lost due to internal sabotage. Some leaders point to Prime