Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Rahul Narwekar was elected as the Speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on Sunday as the special session began after the formation of the new CM Eknath Shinde govt in the state. Sharad Pawar Calls NCP Meet Today to Discuss Leader of Opposition and Trust Vote.
Maharashtra Assembly Secretary Rajendra Bhagwat has informed all state MLAs that as per the Governor s orders the special session that was scheduled on Thursday will now not be convened.
A meeting of the BJP core committee is underway at Sagar Bungalow, the residence of former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis in Mumbai to further deliberate on the strategy for the course of action following Uddhav Thackeray s resignation as the Chief Minister on Wednesday.
Fadnavis meeting came hours after Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde said that he will be coming to Mumbai soon, and also claimed that he has the support of 50 MLAs with him. 🗳️ Maharashtra Political Crisis Live Updates: Supreme Court To Hear Plea Against Governor s Order for Floor Test Today; Devendra Fadnavis Calls Meeting of BJP Leaders at His Residence.