Rodrigo B. Salvador Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart. Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Email: salvador.rodrigo.b (at) gmail (dot) com Download PDF Not so long ago I have devoted a good deal of time and effort analyzing Egyptian mythology in the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona video game series (Salvador, 2015). Thus, it was only natural that I… is one of the most popular & successful Tibetan news website in English. With daily readers touching over 12,500 and still growing. It features news and views on Tibet.
The Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest and locals generally identify the area as “Badabon” or “Athero Bhatir Desh” (land of the eighteen tides).
The year 2016 marks the centenary of the death of Elie Metchnikoff, the father of innate immunity and discoverer of the significance of phagocytosis in development, homeostasis and disease. Through a series of intravital experiments on invertebrates and vertebrates, he described the role of specialised phagocytic cells, macrophages and microphages, subsequently renamed neutrophils and polymorphonuclear leucocytes, in the host response to injury, inflammation, infection and tissue repair. As a vigorous proponent of cellular immunity, he championed its importance versus humoral immunity in the so-called antibody wars. By 1908, when the Nobel Prize was awarded to Elie Metchnikoff and Paul Ehrlich, this debate was not yet resolved. Even earlier, Metchnikoff had turned his research interests to the process of ageing and the possible link to intestinal auto-intoxication, giving rise to the current interest in the microbiome of the gut and the use of probiotics to promote health a
The Coming of Spring in Kashmir
Every year, spring started with expedite and hope since winter had exhausted existing stocks. The slogan
Yus karih gongul, Sui karih krao (meaning “He who ploughs shall reap”) echoed everywhere in order to catch convince peasants to initiate agricultural tasks early with zeal and zest. On the eve of
gongul (meaning “tilling land”), sweets, nuts and almonds were distributed among the children to build confidence among the ploughmen and convey the message to every household that
Alan chhuh phal, Tah nendan chhuh danih (translated as “ There is fruit to the plough and rice to the weeding”).