Four new films to stream this week Oxygen on Netflix, Some Kind of Heaven, Cowboys and Apples on demand
Sun, May 9, 2021, 06:00
Directed by Lance Oppenheim. Featuring Dennis Dean, Lynn Henry, Anne Kincer, Reggie Kincer. VOD, 81 min The Villages, a sprawling, profoundly plastic Florida retirement community, takes up three counties, and houses 130,000 mostly white baby boomers in a Trump-heavy voting block some 45 miles from Orlando. This excellent documentary on the complex leans towards the ambience of Blue Velvet: there’s a compelling soap opera bubbling under the sterile surface. In their quest to live comfortable, tyrannically upbeat lives, the inhabitants are barely living at all. Debut director Lance Oppenheim may be a twentysomething, but he still finds plenty of drama, nuance and humanity.