program, end sangt aair cities, triple i.c.e. enforcement agents. i think what he s saying is countries like yemen, somalia, iraq, iran will not be able to come into this country. how do you define it? those would be the easy ones, although plenty of good people from there trying to travel for legitimate reasons. how do you not put france on that list? i haven t been running to yemen recently to deal with terror, but i have been to france a bunch. the truth is there are people in yemen whose lives are at risk because of what s going on there. we re here in new york city. this is a country of give me your tired, your poor. i understand the american people want security. i want security. trying to have some kind of broad ban, you re taking small steps towards something that is incredibly undemocratic, to go back to the beginning of this conversation. quite frankly, it s not clear what the rules are.
mexico and also ban travellers from terror prone countries and the syrian refugee program and sanctuary cities triple ice enforcement agents. where do you want to start on how you feel about this? i will tell you, this is an awful lot of symbolism and we have to see the details but if you look for example at yesterday in effect symbolic withdrawal from the transpacific partnership, that doesn t do anything for american workers who are getting hammered by chinese jumping steel and aluminum. we heard about the keystone pipeline. great for canada but not for american taxpayers that could be on the hook if oil is spilled by a foreign company. so a lot of symbolism here. we ll have to see the details. a border wall is the opposite. it is concrete.