The Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau has apprehended three individuals, including an Assistant Town Planner posted in the Municipal Corporation of Rohtak, for their involvement in demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 10 lakh, an official said on .
The assistant town planner of Rohtak had initially demanded a bribe of Rs 40 lakh in exchange for preventing the demolition of the complainant's unauthorised colony on nine acres of land.
The Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau has apprehended three individuals, including an Assistant Town Planner posted in the Municipal Corporation of Rohtak, for their involvement in demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 10 lakh, an official said on Thursday.
The MCD came into existence on April 7, 1958, under an Act of Parliament. Prior to that Delhi Municipal Committee (DMC) was the principal civic body of Delhi. Guru Radha Kishan served for the longest consecutive period as a councillor of the MCD. The first elected mayor of Delhi was Pt. Trilok Chand Sharma.Acco