The Rs 16-crore IPO of Trident Techlabs was subscribed over 700 times at close. The retail category of the issue breached 1000 times subscription, while the NII portion came close at 854 times subscription. The QIB part was the least subscribed, but still received over 100 times bids.
Unlisted shares of Trident Techlabs Ltd are currently trading Rs 50 higher in the grey market, which is a 142.86 per cent listing gain from the public issue, Trident Techlabs IPO Closes Today: Check Subscription Status, GMP Today
Trident Techlabs IPO: The issue was subscribed 37 times by 11:20 am today with total share bids received so far at 16,89,24,000 against an issue size of 45,80,000 equity shares.