With hEr staffErs in hEr lockEd room with minE. ShE hElpEd pass throUgh all thE la and bEing EmployEd now. BidEn bigfoots. Kamala harris. Now barack has to gEt involvEd. My namE is JoE BidEn. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. ThErEs too mUch mascUlinEE Th Toxicity oUt thErE that yoUvE got to bE toUgath and, yoU know, angry and lash oUt. DoUg Emhoff off, accUsEd of physical abUsE. WE havE a fUll rEport from oUr tEam. Ask many timEs for morE sEcUrity, morE hElp. And ThEy wErE dEniEd. TrUmp hEading back to BUtlEr U as thE SEcrEt SErvicE is inin a statE of EmErgEncy. PlUs, today, washington saw a ghost. HEy, folks. Right. My namEs JoE BidEn. So wElcomE. WElcomE, mr. PrEsidEnt. Waiting for yoU. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. It was thE first TimEE BidEn EvEr sEt foot in thE BriEfing Room as prEsidEnt. ThE prEss was stUnnEd. PEtEr dUcE, his wig fEll off. And EvEry channEl in amErica to cUt straight to it. WE wErE actUally aboUt to go. LivE to VicE PrEsidEnt Kamala Harris, whos spEaking right now
Her staff is interlocked with mine. She helped pass all the laws. Reporter: biden bigfoots kamala harris. Now barack obama has to get involved. My name is joe biden. Welcome to the swimming pool. There s too much masculine toxicity of there that you ve got to be tough and angry and lash out. Reporter: doug emhoff accused of physical abuse. We have a full report. Our team asks many times for more security, more help and they were denied. Trump heading back to butler, as the secret service is in a state of emergency. Plus. everyone s trying to get it right today washington saw a ghost. Hey, folks. My name is joe biden. Welcome mr. President. We ve been waiting for you. Welcome to the swimming pool. The first time joe biden never set foot in the briefing room as president. The press was stunned. Peter doocy s leg fell off. And every channel in america cut straight to it. We were actually but to go live to vice president kamala harris who s speaking right now in detroit, michigan, and a
C1 i m not the candidate of black america, although i am black and proud. I got into this race for one reason and one reason only. To fight. Black women are phenomenal. They re dynamic, intelligent and consistent at the ballot box. But that consistency has at times been taken for granted. There s no one type of black woman. Black women exist everywhere. Black women live in city, they live in rural areas, black women shine in hollywood. Manage seats in corporate america and occupy some of the highest offices in american government. Hi everybody, good afternoon. Reporter: black women are continuing to make history as mayors, in state houses, as first ladies, and as supreme court justices. And now, possibly the first black woman to be elected to the highest office in the land. We are not going back. Black women are not a monolith and their views are varied. And with an existential election on the horizon we are looking to black women to see what they re thinking and what if anything cand
Today defensive measures are in place as israel works to intercept missiles are fired from as far away as the imminent. When one missile landed in the West Bank just hours after hezbollah confirmed its leader was killed by an israeli airstrike on beirut. Good evening i am Jon Scott on this is the Fox Report. Those Missile Attacks come after iranian leaders promised to avenge Hassan Nasrallahs death. His 30 Year Reign over the eye riranian backed Terror Group cae to an End Yesterday and an israeli military airstrike. Team covered tonight Lucas Tomlinson at the White House with the biden administrations reaction. But first Michael Tobin is alive an instrument with the latest on the ground there. U. S. President Joe Biden is once again calling for a ceasefire. But fighter jets tricking overhead in our position, new strikes going into the south of lebanon for the Crossborder Fire is very active tonight for the strikes that went into the Beirut Suburb Dahiyeh south of beirut or devastating
Im Kenan Thompson and for Roy Wood Jr. In the news this week, at a Town Hall with oprah, Kamala Harris said that if someone breaks into her house, they getting shot which is probably why her husband enters the house like this hey, its done building for the Hbo Reboot of Harry Potter especially now that they found there hagrid, we get up pairing get your fat and sat of the counts please join me in welcoming our team captains. Ever referred tonight hes a former congressman from pennsylvania and a moderate republican, which means the only hates women a little bit michel, shes a Writer And Comedian who just shot her new netflix special. Look forward in 2025 and fun Fact Orson welles named his sled after her. Its rose, Bud Baker biggest stories of the week. Heres, tonights first game, and pristine, youre going to be up first. Ill show you a Clip Package representing major News Story from the past week. And youll tell me whats the story . Heres the clip all right, so we got a tinfoil hat man