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So. Upset. To. The. Problem. The voices said anti-Christ is anti-life greed death agents taking and society conditioned in death death to the death to the water Death To The Future death in the mind. The voice of. People strung out in confusion dancing at ends of industrial wires reactionary reactionary minds forgetting who we are disguising servitude fooling ourselves in lies of freedom. The voices industrial needs human beings don t really matter their labor. Energy consumed submission in many forms is submission not recognized material prisons racial prisons sexual prisons chemical prisons system prisons angry prisons slamming cell doors shut in human minds. The voices said we are Earth s Children The people must stand strong our will is our life. Man respect woman brother help sister Young help old relatives help relative nation help nation the voices. Entering and leaving we gather strength. When we know power we are power when we know peace we are peace when we know the time
I m Faith. In the Pit River and when 2 from northeast Alaska Strait coal. Hello my name is Art Claude I m from Red Lake Minnesota. A name is Nicholas. And we were I just interrupted our conversation. That you folks were having. About mercury and the legislation on the both local and international law levels so I thought we would bring that over to the microphones for listening audience. Ok my main concern was about to Lakeville Vern Red Lake where I m from. I was us can these people hear. About mercury on our lake and what they ve been eating it all our walleyes our northerns our perch all the fish that we ve been eating a turn red lake they tell us that there s mercury in our wall eyes and our Perth and our northern end. But anyways I ve been eating all that and I noticed that I ve been getting sick since has opened up. I ve been eating walleyes from Red Lake and I. Don t know I did 6 from Wallace say I can t I can t even stand the taste of them anymore because. It does like a muddy
of and I could get past like a nice person. And then. To kiss every. Running my fingers in the. Ring its hidden secret. I lay awake. Dying to discover all the Kurds in your brain and eager. To get started. Stay on my. Want you for your brains are being hard have you worked hard to develop strength in the technique and bad right away just my brother. I think it was. Hip hop that. I have sometimes. Been attracted to him styles that didn t work for me. So yes it s nice and. So beautiful black boy is getting delicious cherry flavor the hip hop gains I have tasted here its weakness when old you around on my tongue savoring every drop you don t call nearly anough always late and chaotic up here and disappear according to your own sweet his theory as to the rest of the beautiful black boys in jeans and sagging days seeing t.v. Praising slide daddy understated him to chic you have flavored drug use art use words artfully I could drown in vats of your top labored where it all over me chocola
Name Is. Lake Minnesota. A name is. And we were I just interrupt the conversation. That you folks were having. About mercury and legislation on the both local and international law. So I thought we would bring that over to the microphone for listening audience. My main concern was to Lake. Lake where I m. I was us can these people hear. About mercury on our lake and what they ve been eating you know our walleyes our northerns our perch all the fish that we ve been eating up there in Red Lake they tell us that there s mercury in our walleyes and our perch in our northern and. But anyways I ve been eating all that and I noticed that I ve been getting sick since has opened up. I ve been eating walleyes from Red Lake and I. Don t know I did 6 from Wallace say I can t I can t even stand the taste of them anymore because. It does like a muddy taste to me I don t know how it tastes to use but I ve noticed that I ve been getting sick and I ve been getting concerned about the heart people up