of and I could get past like a nice person. And then. To kiss every. Running my fingers in the. Ring its hidden secret. I lay awake. Dying to discover all the Kurds in your brain and eager. To get started. Stay on my. Want you for your brains are being hard have you worked hard to develop strength in the technique and bad right away just my brother. I think it was. Hip hop that. I have sometimes. Been attracted to him styles that didn't work for me. So yes it's nice and. So beautiful black boy is getting delicious cherry flavor the hip hop gains I have tasted here its weakness when old you around on my tongue savoring every drop you don't call nearly anough always late and chaotic up here and disappear according to your own sweet his theory as to the rest of the beautiful black boys in jeans and sagging days seeing t.v. Praising slide daddy understated him to chic you have flavored drug use art use words artfully I could drown in vats of your top labored where it all over me chocolate Carmel but is Scotch but is got sugar way to his heart like fried ice cream hard crust with something sweet and soft melting inside should a boy's taste like candy and smell like heartbreak childhood daddy's devoured and long gone before the holidays and Mama's made up of rock can be so hard they could send you to the dentist I got cavities to prove I have shared your heartbreak tried in vain to change your nutritional values and still sometimes I crazy late at night want to wrap my tongue around your flavor I have tasted sucrose Kool-Aid Jiggy and sees that stubborn sugar crystals at the bottom of the glass were using to dissolve it as well as natural in the Afro crunchy earth tone chive flavored revolutionary artist brothers I say. But sugar is sugar and time hypoglycemic and I don't want to diabetes I can't fuck with shot anymore too much fuss things. Not enough cake. That was a daily on. Well let's listen to this too. And hovering a few feet above himself looking around to see if the coast was clear to come back and hand on his gun his pager his money his crotch fingers and feeling toes devoid of sensation in his 100 dollars sneakers I mean he was in it not posing for some buy of magazine cover retro blaxploitation flick and we all wave our dollar bills and want to buy just as sure as white folks did when he was on the auction block not so long ago No I mean he was in his body like no one else had a deed to it and he was breathing and it was beautiful to see me I want a firm all of the men who are taking up residence not just in the mind of the I and the head of the penis but the whole body did you know that in the African-American community there is a church on nearly every corner and it is a black man's body and I salute all the brothers who are sanctifying themselves with consciousness and breath and self love this is where the brothers who are not afraid to be afraid are big enough to cry who holler at the inner demons instead of their children being our pillows instead of their women who tell the truth no matter how ugly who hold themselves and each other despite how we hunted them for it Baggett sissy punk No no there is nothing wrong with men being sensitive or emotional or gay or straight or authentic or liberated or awake in their own bodies and the belief that strong emotions other than rage and desire are for women that only is more deadly than bombs or bullets or police but times in the war against men of color but others say you've got to be hard to survive. But you better soften back up if you want to survive from surviving what good is it to get out alive if you can't live or in love so I salute all the brothers who are doing the healing work this poem is the shout out to Alexander in tarc or in Mark and tacos and Kitwana and medicos and exhibit Eric and Bedouin Alan Anton an ace and Alexian Edwin and my brother ties and my cousin Tori and my Uncle Samuel and my boyfriend Stuart and all of the brothers from pre my people and the Sasha breathwork posse and Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous and all the other 12 step programs and their young brothers in Thunder Road adolescent treatment center in the brothers and their appeal in the Brothers and HIV positive support groups and the brothers in detox and the brothers at City of Refuge and the brothers at Olivet in the Brothers and reevaluation Cole counseling and all the brothers who have ever thrown themselves on the mercy of spirit with a passion and a willingness to be healed I love you but most of all love yourselves. Reclaim your body. Keep keep keep. Fit. For. Me. Me me me me. You are. The Ok. They came the this is Victor will. Be coming. To. A. Small Company isn't soon. Come. The come. Come. For me. If you come not. Come. For me. To. Come up with someone to keep me. Company. And the phone company. The league For you. Oh Great Spirit we need another point of view oh this is my this is my. Just. Just. Just. A few. Months. Because. Of the things. The other kids are. Going to. poll. The ultimate. Ok I was. Victor Wooten and I'm going to leave you with. The cars if you believe in or. Let's face it I. Think is working. With. These people. The site is largely isolated and abandoned and many people don't even know it's here there's no personal god there's nobody up here and I think it's meant to be largely forgotten because it really kind of head to head with a theory about the way the pyramids were built. When you look around the site you see evidence of small stones that are newer medium stones and then the ancient large stones. That have been Rausch we can see evidence of machine tool marks. The granite came from distant. Polished calm caves. Could not possibly have been made with us. This is not the only example of machine tooling. We're now going to go inside the pyramid rocking along a sledge. There's a passageway here. If you stand here all the way through this area the stone seems to be black and it About mercury and legislation on the both local and international law. So I thought we would bring that over to the microphone for listening audience. Ok my main concern was about the lake over the lake where from. I was us can these people hear. About mercury on our lake and what they've been eating you know our walleyes our northerns our perch all the fish that we've been eating a turn red lake they tell us that there's mercury in our walleyes and our perch in our northern and. But anyways I've been eating all that and I noticed that I've been getting sick since has opened up. I've been eating walleyes from Red Lake and I. Don't know I did 6 from Wallace say I can't I can't even stand the taste of them anymore because. It has like a muddy taste to me I don't know holidays to use but I've noticed that I've been getting sick and I've been getting concerned about our people up there regulate the ones that are actually eating all the summer Crees that they are they've contaminated our lake. You know they've turned I heard another thing that they got a peek mine going up there a mining peat money and in our are is a piece in there and readily. Kind of concerned about that because all that is coming into our lake to until recently can that's being contaminated there. Yeah that's what they do they dig up the peat moss after the clear cut to lend. And I'm always considered a but clear cutting you know I was concerned when. They 1st introduced that to our tribe you know we got to cut down all the trees and we've got a plant them what Norway's and pines and pretty soon really won't even have no trees because they're just ripping everything from us. And that's what they do in our mining when they mine up there the step in our trees right to the ground and then after that they'd take up all our peat and we don't even know what's going on up there and readily I know I've been asking questions for the last 2 years no but that I've been talking to Dave Connors and I asked him why this is happening and I asked him why he's still there and readily I mean he doesn't even know what's going on up there and I kind of concerned about why he's even letting just mining go on on our Rizza piece in. Anyways but with that all that does leave here that I met explained to you book oh the mercury is getting into her face and Ridley. I I worked with the International Union Treaty Council as the mark Tribal Health Program Coordinator director last year in Northern California I went to Northern California because that's where my dad's people are from and we are Pit River and win 2 and the Pit River people we initiated copartnership with the International Union Treaty Council to investigate into them or create contamination Putsch we found was in our waterways because we did a study on the Gold Rush our youth part of the International Treaty Council did a study on the Gold pressure on when they had the centennial gold rush days celebration and Northern California and. As they went and talked to the elders of our California Indian nations the elders were talking about how the merc Cree was used to separate the gold separate the war when they were gold mining and the Mercury the merc created. Was leeching into the waterways so this was in the 850 s. When the cold California gold rush happened and all this murk Creek tons and tons millions of tons were dumped into the northern California waterways like in the Sierra Nevada climate Trinity. They went into effect at the Feather River American River the bear Rivers Sacramento River and my people the Pit River and when to Sacramento River was where we Cather. And we gathered and fished we had a big gathering of the wind 2 tribes that were along the Sacramento River. When the elders that I spoke to were young there was still some and then the dams were brought in like the Shasta Dam and the other dams were brought in and they damned rivers. And. Who lost a lot of our salmon through the dams and then what was left of the salmon or the fish in our waterways is contaminated with mercury and this mercury contamination goes from all these waterways into the San Francisco Bay And so the minority populations that live in the San Francisco Bay area that are fishing there are also affected by Mark Creek contaminated fishing. But when I was in Northern California I went and. I talked with our elders of the wind to people and some of our Pit River people about what. They see as far as the McCree contamination and and they talked about how when they were young they saw the gold just come in and when they were little they had little bottles of Mark that they carried around and they mined to and so all of these little children Indian children were carrying bottles of them are clear around and one of the elders said that the Spring Creek that came by her parents' land was lined with mercury and it had a silver lining on it and they used to good on their as little kids and fill their little bottles up so they were recycling them or create so they were directly exposed and not just ingesting it. The toxicity of mercury is that once it's in the waterways it remains there and what happens is that it comes from decay in vegetable to cane plant matter that creates them or create methylmercury the most contain the most toxic form of mercury and what. How McCrea moves in the food chain is that goes into the fish and where eating the fish. Most impacted of our people when we eat the fish are women and our children and it's with our women it's the women that are pregnant. When the developing fetus is in the womb and they eat that McRib contaminated fish what it does is it affects the fetus in a way where it affects. When when when the fetus is forming and the neurological. Form mean it. It impacts. The fetus to where when a child is born they have a neurological disorder. And so that is the most profound effect to me because it affects our very future generations and that's why I worked on the issue but there are many other harmful health effects. When I talked with the elders the reason that I went to talk to the elders this because we found out that the United Nations of marmelade program was having a global meeting on these issues on chemicals and one part of it was on chemicals and there's so there's these global discussions happening on that countries have initiated to address the glow. Issue of mercury contamination and so I went to the elders to do interviews so we could submit. Submit testimony to the special repertory of the United Nations on the right to food and we pasted on the fact that when they polluted the fish our subsistence food the fish It was a violation of our right to food and we want the United Nations to send in a special wrapper tour on the right to food to investigate how mercury contamination in the United States that is affecting tribes is a violation of our subsistence rights and violating our right to food our right to clean healthy food and so. But when I talked to the elders there was so much that came out of those interviews the health affects. The Selden that lived within a mining area and she talked about long term generational effects of mercury and her mom had lived in a mine claim area and ate the fish and probably did when she was pregnant so the health impacts was passed to the fetus and when she was born she was born. With. Birth defects. And. All her life she had health health issues she was constantly going to the hospital she had all I can even begin to go through the whole list of the effects and then her children when she got old enough to have children that the effects are passed to her children and their children so. Cre contamination is multi-generational and. The one and another thing that's interesting is the scientific community and the health community are starting to they're in theory they're starting to link cancer tumor Cre contamination so cancers are actually being linked to this. And it hasn't been they haven't said yes Mark contamination causes cancer but they suspect it does and in my grandmother's side of our family the Wintu side we have our little reason reservation is by a stream called Clearly I mean Clear Creek that's where we fish and that's where the gold fridges were in the Smart Creek Intamin nation and the groundwater the drinking water and the community that was there drinking water the water table comes from that contaminated water. In that and our little community we had. Many many cases of cancer all at once like we lost many of our elders from cancer all at once and nobody knew what was causing this cancer but when you talk to the elders stay suspect it's that mercury contamination . So these interviews that I did like one of the elders he's a traditional fisher man and a hunter and he goes on our land all the time and he sees changes in the us and he was talking about how the animals that eat the fish like the bears and. The plants that are by these creeks in river ways waterways. He was talking about how there was deformities in the antlers of the deer. And he actually Mark worked. In a Mercury mind and he said that about mercury been exposed to it it makes the crow like a feeler physically exposed to it and makes you crawl fast he said all his hair turned white and his skin and he aged in a short amount of years and. So the health effects are really profound so we did this study we did testimony from the people and we submitted it to the special Repertory in the right to food to the United Nations and we called for an investigation from the United Nations into this and what would have happened is the special repertoire has to accept the case and once he accepts the case then. He has to get permission from the country that the cases to arrive in from so the United States would actually have to grant the special the tour permission to come into the country to investigate and so that was there were certain steps we had to take and. That next step best far as the right to food cases the granting of permission and allowing him in and then once the special up with her comes to the United States we would set up but poor for him throughout Indian country where our communities are impacted by Amber contamination and have him visit those communities and hear from the people firsthand what the effects are in their community and he would document everything so that's ongoing right now that with that just started last year and we've got a follow up on that and pull push to bring the special up the tour in to study this issue but another part of that on the international arena. We wanted to we attended the United Nations Environmental Program meeting the governments of the world are discussing more Creek contamination on a global level and we went there and we brought forward testimony I actually went there and spoke on behalf of Mark tribes in Northern California about the effects on our people in the loss of our subsistence resource and the health effects and now we gave testimony to the governments of the world and European countries are the main force behind trying to get a legally binding instrument to ban or phase out mercury and that is one of the strongest things we can do at the international level and the United States killed that effort at that meeting and they got enough votes from other countries to block it so this debate is going to happen again and then in a year from now and one of my one of the things that I would like to see is the tribes that are affected by mercury contamination. Mobilize on the local level. And get strong on the local level on this issue and then the tribes here are in Minnesota and the tribes in California are and. Begin National Committee National tribal committee to address Mark Creek contamination and pressure the u.s. Government to begin to address this issue of mercury contamination but at the same time go to the United Nations level and also pressure the governments of the world to go forward with that legally binding instrument to ban and phase out Mark. And so it's a. That is. I think that would be effective and taking care of the it's a long term struggle but. If we do that in that way who will be effective. I think the agency would be the e.p.a. To pressure and. He could get information on who would contact on from the International Union Treaty Council there's a study on the website that's on mercury contamination and that's a really good study and it's on the website is w w w dot treaty consul dot org. I'm concerned again near what she was just talking about when she said that contamination of the water that I always have to question that again because Hall does really get into the water today property in the water or to the. North does doesn't come just from the air we got a big lake up very readily and. I talked to Dave Connors there and I asked him how many walleye.

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