When it comes to Halloween candy, opinions differ widely on best and worst. As long as you aren’t allergic to peanut butter or chocolate, it’s hard to top full-size Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. And despite Brach’s Candy’s best efforts, candy corn consistently ranks near the top of treats people love
Aren’t Peeps bad enough on their own? Apparently not, if TribLive Taste Test guest host Anthony Varine is involved. This week, with Easter on the way, we try out one of the many variations on Peeps. When last we encountered this marshmallow monstrosity, the Taste Test team was sampling sour
If you’re a kid, you don’t want to waste a lot of time on Christmas morning deciding what you’ll have for breakfast. That’s taking up time better spent playing with toys. So the TribLive Taste Test team — working from home this week, and with the assistance of professional kid
It’s not real horse meat. That’s an important mantra to keep in mind for this week’s TribLive Taste Test, where we ordered three varieties of Illegal Chips, created by Brooklyn art collective and product start-up company Mschf. First off, let’s be clear — there’s nothing illegal about any of this.
Isn’t candy corn bad enough already? Apparently not. Combining two great holidays into one extremely-not-great-sounding concept, Brach’s has released a limited-edition Turkey Dinner candy corn, with flavors including green bean, roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and apple pie with coffee. Did anyone ask for this? Not likely. Will it be