EXCLUSIVE Susie Bell and her two boys, Beau, eight, and Leo, four, did not want to pay to enter the par thinking the Scarborough display did not offer good value for money.
VINTON — Virginia Gay Hospital celebrated their 100 Year Anniversary with an Open House on Thursday, November 2. The celebration was held in conjunction with their Annual Tree Walk. During
VINTON — Virginia Gay Hospital Health Care Foundation celebrated those in our community who have made significant impacts in philanthropy, service, and support of VGH at the 3rd Annual Legacy
Cardboard is crucial for sheet mulching to kill a lawn, but critics say there's no science proving it works. All you really need, they say, is lots of wood chips.
Autumn Tree Walk Come see what the trees and other plants are doing this time of year in Phoenixville’s Black Rock Sanctuary! The next program in Phoenixville Public Library’s partner-sponsored “Community Gardening around the Village Series,” an “Autumn Tree Walk in Black Rock Sanctuary,” will take place Sunday, Oct. 29, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Martha Napolitan Cownap, a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist and herb gardener at Camphill Kimberton, will lead the program. Learn how to identify common trees, why leaves change color in the fall, and some of the traditional uses of many of the plants in the park. This […]