six hours in the bitter cold to see some of the famous big balloons. there was a concern the balloons wouldn t fly because of high winds, they did, albeit they were lowered to the ground as a precaution. millions of americans are seeing unusually frigid temperatures for thanksgiving day. record lows were broken in hartford massachusetts and windsor massachusetts. it s extremely cold outside, and also some travel issues. amtrak train 68 from montreal to new york, 278 passengers switch onto the train. stay warm out there. leland: the brilliance of brian and his turtleneck. here s the thing, it stretches when you eat a lot. i was complimenting him on his fashionable choice.
picture. the current v.a. secretary david shulkin, who s been under pressure earned or hers own travel issues, was an undersecretary of health during that same period. he says he does not recall being notified of the problems that were reported today. from california now, a red-hot issue went to a whole new level this afternoon. the administration is suing that state over its refusal to cooperate with federal law over illegal immigration. and it s getting nasty in the golden state. correspondent claudia cowan has that story tonight in sacramento. how dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers to promote a radical open borders agenda? attorney general jeff sessions threw down the gauntlet in california, blasting state politicians for their sanctuary policies, and accusing them of deliberately obstructing federal immigration law by protecting illegal immigrants. california absolutely appears to me is using every power it has come up it doesn t have, to
save up to $1,000 off any diamond when you buy her setting at jared. and let our expert jewelers help you find or create the one ring that could only come from you and only be for her. only at jared. okay. snow and ice storm hitting the midwest and northeast. there could be major travel issues. let s bring in cnn meteorologist chad myers.
there s a lot of snow in the midwest on the ski reports right now. that weather is going to make its way to new england and cause travel issues. make everyone in the northeast happy. to my delight. everyone else is going to have travel issues. as long as yasmin can get there, that s all we care about. talk about the impacts in the northeast. friday is when the storm starts. this is how the map looks this time tomorrow morning. 7:00 a.m. the apply is the snow. freezing rain starting to break out in central pennsylvania. go through the day, snow is pretty much confined to northern portions of new england. north wards and just rain friday evening from boston southward. the pink in the middle is where we re going to get icy weather. in anticipation, winter weather advisory. little portion of massachusetts. probably be expanded during the day today. 2-4 inches of snow.
to their travel issues. that did not happen in this case and we apologize. john, that video has been viewed more than three million part-times. you can sense the enormous sensitivity airlines now have. they want all of these things to be fixed and go away as quickly as possible. one of the issues that came up is what s required in terms of an infant. what are the faa rules here? john, there is two issues here, the car seat and, two, whether that infant can sit in that seat meant for his older brother. on the car seat, both faa rules and delta policy encourage parents to put their child purchase a seat and put that child in the car seat. that s what happened here. the airlines can t actually take that seat away from a child, provided they have a ticket. in this case that kid did have a ticket. it just had his elder brother s name on it. and on that issue federal regulations say that passengers over 18 have to have id that