Truck drivers and their supporters will protest at Woolworths WA state head office in Kewdale today over changes made by the wealthy retailer which will.
The TWU is urging the Federal Government to regulate the gig economy following a UK ruling last night that Uber drivers are workers. The UK Supreme Court.
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Horror crash on vic-sa border shows need for national plan on border closures: TWU
A horrific truck crash in Victoria close to the SA border shows the need for a national plan on border closures, said the Transport Workers’ Union.
A truck driver is dead following the crash which saw three trucks go on fire. The TWU wants to see specific lanes for trucks automatically set up before borders are closed to allow truckies to continue their essential work without being forced to risk driving while fatigue.
TWU SA/NT Branch Secretary Ian Smith said reports of trucks backed up at the border last night are disturbing and may have contributed to the crash.